Nexus SafetyNexus SafetyNexus Safety
Ground Floor, Maksons Plaza,
Parklands Road, Nairobi
+254 736 333 336/0705945 575

Safety First


Detection, Personal Safety & Law Enforcement

Drager: Technology for life

For more than 130 years, Dräger has provided safety products, solutions and services to businesses across the world - no matter what their size or industry sector. We provide companies and their employees with protection, support and lifesaving equipment in many hazardous applications. With a wide portfolio of safety products, our range includes respiratory protection, drug and alcohol screening devices and bespoke engineered solutions, as well as personal protective equipment, service and training and both portable and fixed gas detection solutions.

Food & Beverages Industry

The food and beverage industry poses very different challenges in terms of work safety. Not all gas detection devices, respiratory protection and chemical protection suits are suitable for all work processes. Analysing, identifying and selecting the appropriate safety products and solutions is a skilled job. Just as consumers desire healthy and safe food, as an employer in the food and beverage industry you want to protect your workers against harmful effects.

Ensuring mining safety

At the surface or underground, for coal or metal/non-metal mines For generations, miners have depended on quality safety equipment and products from Dräger to protect their lives. Our technical solutions are all components of an integrated safety concept that is dedicated to the improvement of mine safety - this begins with respiratory protection and gas detectors for everyday workplace safety & extends to self-contained self-rescuers and refuge shelters for emergency situations. On the following pages, you can learn more about our technical solutions for occupational safety and health, ventilation and plant safety, maintenance and training, as well as emergency preparedness and response.

Protective Eyewear

Thousands of people are blinded each year from work -related eye injuries that could have been prevented with the proper selection and use of eye protection. All that is needed is a pair of sturdy,well-fitting safety spectacles. From cover spectacles to standard eyewear and goggles, Dräger offers the right product for almost every situation.
Still have any query please Contact us

Reinventing Fire suppression

FirePro is committed to Researching and Developing environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions to fire protection challenges to guard people and what is important to them.

Collaborate Consulting exists to find the place where to being seemingly disparate interests meet. From that point of the connection, we create platforms.
Call Now for any help! 0705 945 575

Connectivity For All

FERMAX is a leading manufacturers of door entry systems, video door entry systems, access control and connectivity solutions for the home. We have a great range of audio and video door entry systems for any kind of need, with basic and advanced functions. Always at the forefront of cutting edge technologies.

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All the necessary elements for a video door entry system installation in single-family houses and buildings up to 24 dwellings.


Fully digital video door entry system that operates with 2 non-polarised wires from start to finish in the installation.
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MEET IP System

MEET is a system based on a highly efficient P2P SIP protocol. It is easy to install and maintain.


Enjoy mobile call forwarding so you can be where you want to be and be at home at the same time.
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Control of the entry and exit of personnel and vehicles for greater security and convenience.
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Exclusively for professionals. FERMAX guarantees the best after-sales service.

Some from our latest news

We would love to share a similar experience and how I learned some valuable lessons during a downturn.


8 a.m. to 5 p.m.(Mon-Fri) Eastern time.

Test Report:

Collect your test report by online.

Contact us:

Contact us for any kind of emergency.


Call 10678 for emergency Ambulance
Call for 24 hours / 7days 2417

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Nairobi, Kenya
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)